Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's Here....

Football season starts this weekend! And while the high schoolers got the ball rolling last week, now college football gets its chance to join the party.

For me, there is no better sport in the entire world than college football. The game, the athletes, the drama, everything about it is 100 times better than the NFL. Maybe it’s my distaste for overpaid, arrogant athletes, or maybe it’s just the fact that as a Lions fan, I’ve never really had a true NFL experience…but I’d rather cram into the bleachers at the Big House than lounge in a box seat at Ford Field.

Before we get the ball rolling this weekend, I have a countdown of the five things that make college football the best game in the land:

-Tailgating. I know there’s tailgating at just about every outdoor sporting event, but nothing compares to an extra 80,000 plus fans overwhelming a college town to take in the game and excessively take in some food and drinks.

-College girls. I know I’m not far removed from that scene, so thankfully I don’t sound creepy saying it, but there’s just something about co-eds painted in school colors and showing plenty of…um…spirit. And you’re not creepy if you agree with me.

-Student sections. Though Lions fans can get quite boistrious in their booing of the team, specific players, management…it’s nothing compared to many college student sections and their coordinated cheers, jeers, and pushups after touchdowns.

-Upsets. When the Lions beat the Cowboys last year, everyone was ticked off because they blew their chance at a good draft pick. When an upset of epic proportions happens in college football, the fans storm the field, rip down the goalposts, and carry them off. Notice a difference in enthusiasm?

And why is there such enthusiasm? Because of our last point: RIVALRIES! Yeah, Bears-Packers is a good NFC rivalry. Giants-Jets can get chippy. Chiefs and Broncos might be worth watching. But they all pale in comparison to Alabama-Auburn, Florida-Florida State, Notre Dame-USC,…and the ultimate: Ohio State vs. Michigan. These rivalries don’t just make opposing fan bases hate eat other, they make entire states…entire pieces of the COUNTRY turn against each other. And when does a single regular season NFL game determine a team’s success for an entire season? Most college football teams have at least two games that can make or break them.

Big ups to college football!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Hank Aaron sneaks one by the American Public

By now you know about Barry Bonds breaking Hank Aaron's home run record. Even my mom knows that he broke the record, and normally that signifies that every other person on the face of the planet who has any access to sports-related content has heard about it.

Well since you heard about it, you probably heard about Hank Aaron's video board message to Barry, congratulating him on his moment. I thought it was a great gesture; something that signified the class and grace of a man like Aaron. But if you check out this link, it looks like Hank snuck one by all those fans caught up in the moment. And since at least 25% of America is retarded, it took a while for someone to figure it out. Big ups to Chicago's own Foul Balls for putting this together.

Hank Aaron chooses his words carefully.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A thousand curses upon Barry Bonds...

I don't hide my disdain for Barry Bonds.

Apparently neither does Jeff Pearlman. The author of the Bonds book, Love Me, Hate Me had some harsh words about Bonds in an interview with Deadspin. Click on the link and get the perspective of a guy who is much closer to the situation than any of us. Sheds some more light on why the media dislikes Bonds so much. Pay special attention to the story Jeff tells about what Bonds said to some guys kid on Family Day. What an ass.

Why Barry Bonds sucks

Quick hits from Lions training camp...

Yours truly was at Day One of Lions training camp, and if you sift through the traditional opening day B.S., here's what I saw:

Matt Millen grew a beard. It's white, patchy, and looks like he grew it while hiding from Lions fans a van down by the river. Maybe he's trying to look older and wiser. Or maybe the contract he gave to Cory Redding leaves the organization with no money left over to buy razors. Regardless, it's no David Stern beard. But still a better effort than my current beard...if you consider three hairs and a spot of dirt to count as facial hair.

Roy Williams is glad someone else is crazy too. He told the media that he's happy about Kitna's prediction, because if he said it, everyone would just brush him off and just assume that "the flamboyant receiver is running his mouth again". I just like that Roy used the term "flamboyant" not once, but three times. Anything else you'd like to disclose to us Roy??? Just kidding, don't hurt me.

The Lions defense is really enthusiastic about sucking. Not really, but Cory Redding and Kalimba Edwards were in unusally high spirits. Probably because their unit is the only one with a shred of talent on it. For all those Kalimba haters out there, he hears you. During our interview he said, "If I don't get 12, 15 sacks this year, I'm gone." First off Kalimba, you have 23 career sacks in your 6 year career. That breaks down to an outstanding 3.8 sacks per year. Quadrupling or quintupling your sack average is probably not gonna happen. I know its the first day in a while that the media actually wants to talk to you, but let's slow it down a little.

And finally, you got to root for Rod Marinelli. Camp is different this year, less yelling, more coaching. Marinelli is settling into the head coaching role. He's fighting for guys, being more vocal in his demands. If this franchise is ever going to pick its head out of its butt, Coach Marinelli has to be heading this charge. Does he have enough talent to do it? No. But he's gonna try his darnedest.