Friday, July 27, 2007

A thousand curses upon Barry Bonds...

I don't hide my disdain for Barry Bonds.

Apparently neither does Jeff Pearlman. The author of the Bonds book, Love Me, Hate Me had some harsh words about Bonds in an interview with Deadspin. Click on the link and get the perspective of a guy who is much closer to the situation than any of us. Sheds some more light on why the media dislikes Bonds so much. Pay special attention to the story Jeff tells about what Bonds said to some guys kid on Family Day. What an ass.

Why Barry Bonds sucks

Quick hits from Lions training camp...

Yours truly was at Day One of Lions training camp, and if you sift through the traditional opening day B.S., here's what I saw:

Matt Millen grew a beard. It's white, patchy, and looks like he grew it while hiding from Lions fans a van down by the river. Maybe he's trying to look older and wiser. Or maybe the contract he gave to Cory Redding leaves the organization with no money left over to buy razors. Regardless, it's no David Stern beard. But still a better effort than my current beard...if you consider three hairs and a spot of dirt to count as facial hair.

Roy Williams is glad someone else is crazy too. He told the media that he's happy about Kitna's prediction, because if he said it, everyone would just brush him off and just assume that "the flamboyant receiver is running his mouth again". I just like that Roy used the term "flamboyant" not once, but three times. Anything else you'd like to disclose to us Roy??? Just kidding, don't hurt me.

The Lions defense is really enthusiastic about sucking. Not really, but Cory Redding and Kalimba Edwards were in unusally high spirits. Probably because their unit is the only one with a shred of talent on it. For all those Kalimba haters out there, he hears you. During our interview he said, "If I don't get 12, 15 sacks this year, I'm gone." First off Kalimba, you have 23 career sacks in your 6 year career. That breaks down to an outstanding 3.8 sacks per year. Quadrupling or quintupling your sack average is probably not gonna happen. I know its the first day in a while that the media actually wants to talk to you, but let's slow it down a little.

And finally, you got to root for Rod Marinelli. Camp is different this year, less yelling, more coaching. Marinelli is settling into the head coaching role. He's fighting for guys, being more vocal in his demands. If this franchise is ever going to pick its head out of its butt, Coach Marinelli has to be heading this charge. Does he have enough talent to do it? No. But he's gonna try his darnedest.

Future surprises in store....

I've been lacking in my blogging responsibilities, but not because I've been doing better stuff. I have a laundry list of lame excuses, but since I hate doing laundry, I'm not going to lay them out.

Here's what I will tell you...

PODCASTING IS ON THE WAY!!! My techi buddies, Dykens and Jay, are helping me coordinate some podcasting for the blog. Soon I'll be able to take interviews from our radio show, upload my daily Terp's Take, and start my own podcast for you to download. Should be VERY NICE!

This is really the only big-time announcement that I have. Carry on.

Monday, July 16, 2007