Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Sox hold the keys...(no...not to the closet...)

This post probably has you asking a few questions before you read it.

Why is Terp marking a post with a picture of two guys kissing? Answer: For Dramatic effect.

Why is Terp writing about the White Sox? Is he high? Answer: At last check, no. But don't rule it out.

Why should I care about this team? Don't they suck? Answer: Yes, they do. But they also hold the keys to the American League Title.

That statement of course raises the question, How can a team that is only a game and a half ahead of the ROYALS in the Central have any bearing on teams that could actually win the AL? *Cough*Detroit*Cough*

It all has to do with history. Which is something Chicago had a bit of up until this year. Remember (if you can...I personally blocked the following memory and had to look it up) that the Sox won the World Series only two years ago. And last year they won over 90 games, though they failed to reach the playoffs because Detroit and Minnesota were so awesome. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but baseball teams that have consecutive years like that have talent on their team. And this year's team contains most of those players who won it all in 2005.

I have no explanation as to why the Sox suck so majestically. Neither does Ken Williams. The difference between me and Kenny is that I can make fun of the Sox's problems, but he has to fix them. Comes with being the General Manager. And Ken has put an ad in the paper, stuck the sign in the yard, and is advertising that it's time for a yard sale outside of old Comiskey.

Normally a team in full scale sell mode in late June is nothing to be worried about. But for Tigers fans, this particular situation should be the cause for some concern. Because though it may be hard to believe, players like Mark Buehrle, Jon Garland, Jermaine Dye, and others still have some talent; and could prove valuable to the right contending team.

If any of those players are dealt to a team such as the Red Sox, Yankees, Angels, or even within the division to the Indians, that could spell some serious trouble for my beloved Tiggies.

As much fun as this year has been mercilessly heckling transplanted White Sox fans about their disaster of a season, Chicago could still indirectly bring down Detroit. Typical Chicago...always gunning for us.

Let's just hope Ozzie Guillen "loves" his players too much to let them go.

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