Thursday, December 7, 2006

Bull-Crap System

I don't think any institution in sports is more despised than the BCS system. Fans hate it, coaches question it, and players are jerked around by it. The only people who like it are those who invented the idea, and all the university presidents and television stations who become rich thanks to the advertising dollars that the bowls bring in. And this causes fans to hate the system even more...since it has become very apparent that those in charge have no interest in tweaking a flawed system; simply because they run the risk of not being able to stuff their pockets quite as much. But remember, this is all for the kids.

All week on the radio show, we've had callers and email regarding fan's (mostly MI) thoughts on why this system totally blows. I have my own feelings on the whole process, but currently I'm too busy plotting a media offensive against Urban Meyer (who, by the way, looks so snug right now that he resembles the people from the South Park episode that were so pleased with themselves for buying Hybrid cars that they started smelling their own fact, I guarantee that's what Urban Meyer is doing right now in his office. I hate Florida).

So here's some rapid-fire thoughts on what transpired over the weekend:

*How the heck can you call this voting process legitimate after seeing what happened in the final poll? I mean come on, there was a 154-point swing in the Harris poll, and a 56-point swing in the USA Today poll! A move like that only happens after a team loses in an inferior opponent, and Michigan didn't even play. All year the voters thought the Wolverines were better than the Gators, but when UCLA suddenly made a rematch a possibility, voters got cold feet.

*Don't get me started on some of these voters either. Thank goodness that the final votes are revealed, so we can find out about the complete morons and total homers who have a vote in this thing. One voter, Jim Walden, actually voted Florida #1 overall! Another radio show host from Denver voted USC #3 and kept MI #4, and this was after the Bruins beat USC to give them their second loss!!! Plus there is a greater amount of voters who reside in the southern part of the USA, and guess what, they all voted for Florida. And why shouldn't they? If the National Championship is an all-Big 10 final, think that might hurt the SEC's constant claim that they are the best conference year in and year out? This whole thing is a sham.

*And man, you think Jim Tressel had said he'd rather kick a puppy than take part in the process. The dude can't possibly win either way he votes, so I don't blame him choosing not to vote. I blame the NCAA for not TAKING his vote away. Any coach whose team is already a consensus pick to play in the championship game should not be allowed to vote and have his vote replaced by a third party. In fact coaches voting is inherently stupid because why would they vote for another team if that team can gain a recruiting advantage over them by playing in a big game and winning? Schools/conferences competing against each other doesn't exactly breed impartial voting.

This whole process stinks, and those in charge of the BCS know this. Why do you think that they keep changing the system every year? Add a bowl game here, lessen the computer's input just enough to keep their cash-cow system in place and not move to a playoff. Every other level of NCAA football has a playoff, and as GVSU head coach Chuck Martin says, the excuses that the BCS committee gives for not having a playoff are total baloney.

Urban Meyer, who was the center of the media's attention through most of this, said Sunday night, "Next year's going to be the same thing."

Here's hoping that next year he's the one getting the shaft.

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