Friday, December 1, 2006

Keith Nichol transcript

Ok kids, let's all just step back and take a deep breath.

Keith Nichol is gone, days after he went on camera with me and stated that Michigan State fans had nothing to worry about. I know it hurts, but it's the kid's decision to make.

I've taken some flack from some forum posters on SpartanTailgate...which is very flattering considering that this blog is about two weeks old. Hopefully I'll stir up some more controversy with my future work.

I though that to clear the air and get us all on the same page, I would reprint the transcript of Keith and I's conversation.

Couple things to keep in mind:

1.) I AM NOT DOING THIS TO MAKE KEITH NICHOL LOOK LIKE A LIAR. This interview was conducted before the announcement that Dan Enos would not be retained was made public, and at the time of our talk Keith truly believed what he was saying. Events that transpired in the following days led him to reconsider his stance.

2.) How did I, a lowly reporter who has only interviewed him a couple of times, happen to get 5 good minutes with Keith Nichol? Your guess is as good as mine. I caught him leaving a basketball game, and he agreed to talk to me when I asked. Simple as that. I lobbed some general questions at him and he took it from there. Apparently he didn't notice my jaw hit the floor when he was through talking, but I had the feeling that he was getting pumped up as he spoke. Somehow I ended up with some of the greatest soundbites in the state of Michigan, only to have them dumped on two days later. Such is life.

Anyways, here's what went down at 9pm on Tuesday, November 28 at Lansing Eastern High School:

Terpstra: So you received a visit from Bob Stoops this week, what are your thoughts about him and what did you take away from that visit?

Nichol: Oklahoma has been with me since I committed to MSU, and he just wanted to come down and put his two cents in. He understands the situation, so he's just recruiting, like any other coach would do, that's interested. But he understands the situation, he knows I'm with MSU, so he's just trying to sway me his way. But I'm pretty Michigan State, I'm just gonna take my visit, and that's just to reassure my decision, and I don't think anyone has anything to worry about.

Terpstra: Let's talk a little bit about the visit, you're going there later this week. What do you expect from that? Is it just a courtesy or are you looking for anything in particular?

Nichol: I'm just trying to see what else is out there. I haven't really been outside of the Big 10, besides Notre Dame. So I'm just trying to see what other colleges are like, understand what it's like out there, and get a better feel of what it's like to compare other schools to Michigan State.

Terpstra: State made the big hire with Dantonio. What was the first thing that you thought about when you heard that he was the new coach?

Nichol: I was surprised. I think he is a really nice guy. He recruited me at Cincinnati, and I was excited to hear that I recognized the guy that they brought in.

Terpstra: Do you have any personal feelings about him, anything that during your recruitment you said, 'hey, I kinda like this about this guy'?

Nichol: Yeah, I think he's gonna bring in the right people to do the right job. I'm sure that regardless of any situation that he's gonna help MSU perform well.

Terpstra: So, you've been committed to MSU for a while, now this whole deal with OU is happening...does it feel weird to be recruited again or are you still feeling strong in your decision?

Nichol: Yeah, it kinda feels weird to be recruited, cause I haven't really done it since my junior year, back when I got offers through the mail and stuff like that. It's flattering, it's nice to be recognized like that, but I don't think that a lot of people have anything to be worried about, I'm with Michigan State, and that's where I stand.

Amazing how quickly things can change. Good luck at OU Keith, just make sure not to win any National Championships at the expense of the Wolverines.

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