Friday, April 27, 2007

Killer BaseBrawl

These guys might be minor leaguers, but they still can throw down for sure. Couple of awesome things about this clip:

-Where did the white team get those two huge dudes? First, #23 rushes the mound from the on-deck circle to protect whiny #7, who doesn't even get hit by the pitch. Then out of nowhere, an even BIGGER guys (#48) comes rushing into the melee and starts tossing people. Appartently this team serves as a haven for those who don't wish to be tested for steriods.

-The Latin players from the Orange team swinging their gloves at the onrush of brawlers in a sad and still funny attempt to defend themselves. One guy actually runs away, hoping the PITCHERS running in from the bullpen will save him. High comedy.

-One of the greatest sucker punches caught on tape, followed by one of the greatest reactions. At the 1:20 mark, big #48 tosses some dude off the pile, and that dude in turns throws a haymaker right into #48's grill. Fantastic thing is, the dude takes the punch and IT DOESN'T EVEN EFFECT HIM!!! He proceeds to drag 3-4 guys on his back as hey tries to chase the dude down. Justice is served a few seconds later as Mr. Sucker Punch is closelined from behind.

Enjoy kids, it's baseball season again!!!">

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