Monday, November 27, 2006

Association with Matt Millen dooms my fantasy team

It seemed like a clever idea at the time. Form a fantasy team name that takes a sarcastic dig at Matt Millen. Popular among Lions fans, and terribly ironic once the fantasy team succeeds. I thought I had it all figured out. Unfortunately, I completely underestimated the devestating effect that Matt Millen's name would have on the performance of my fantasy squad.

Like a typical Millen project, the team looked great on paper, prompting me to flaunt my supposed fantasy genius to other less fortunate owners, and sing the team's praises live on the airwaves of local sports radio station WBBL. However, once the season started and the team began to struggle, I began to second guess my decision to attach Millen's name to my squad. The symptoms are typical...a rash of injuries have struck my starters, high draft picks are underperforming, and overall team play is wildly inconsistant. One week Matt Millen's Rejects looks like the most dominating team in the league, and the next they look like my sister chose the starters. The capper came this past week when my team was blown out of the water by a squad that didn't even start two players. Though heavily favored, the Rejects found a way to crap the bed and lose the game. Eerily familiar to what transpired at Ford Field on Thursday.

Things have gotten so bad that I am acutally trailing Mike Hart for Heisman (my roomate's team) in the league standings, and can no longer look my roomate Brian in the face; despite the fact that half of his team was drafted by the computer and includes players like Reuben Droughns.

A lesson for all must be taken from this tragedy. Do not EVER, under any circumstances, form a fantasy team whose name is associated with a certain Lions president. For no matter how totally awesome you think your fantasy team will be, it is no match for the Curse of Millen!

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