Monday, November 27, 2006

Quick Hits from the Weekend

A couple of random thoughts on the events that transpired this weekend:

1.) Matt Millen is gone. Period. Not only do the Lions stink worse than any other team in the NFL, but Joey freakin' Harrington walks into town and throws 3 TD passes to spank Detroit and shove it in the face of all those who booed him both during and after his career in Detroit. It becomes worse when you realize that those 3 TD's were the first scoring passes Joey has thrown in Detroit on Thanksgiving. Savor the moment Joey, it only took ya five years.

2.) If Michigan doesn't lock up Top 20 recruit Ronald Johnson (Muskegon) in the next couple weeks, they're not gonna get him. The kid is a difference maker. Even though he's been playing with a sports hernia the past 5 weeks, he was still easily the best player on the field on Friday's Division 2 State Final. If Lloyd Carr allows RonJon to visit USC and meet their cheer team he's as good as gone. I've talked to the kid a couple times...he's no dummy.

3.) The Pistons are screwing themselves over again. They started the season by saying all the things we wanted to hear..."Yeah, we're focused on developing our young players"..."Oh, our bench will have a more expanded role this season"...and then they promptly abandoned that strategy 8 games into the season. Wow, you mean to tell me that relying on your veterans means that your team will make fewer mistakes and have a better chance to win? No way! Now let me let you in a secret: overplaying your starters in November will be detrimental to their health for the playoffs. Look, you can still make the playoffs and get a decent seed if you sacrifice 5 or 8 wins in order to get your young guys some playing time and save your vets for the part of the year that matters most. And here's an idea...those young players who are costing you wins this year might actually mature due to the playing time and help you WIN games next year. Think about it. But seriously though, if they keep playing Tayshan Prince these kinds of minutes he'll become so worn down that Sally Struthers is going to feature him in her next commercial about starving Ethiopian children.

4.) Finally, what's up with KC and Denver playing on Thanksgiving??? And if you're gonna crash the Lions and Cowboy's party, why would you do it on the NFL network, where no one can watch it? Just stupid. That's like holding Coast Guard festival during 4th of July weekend, but having Milwaukee host it. How the heck is anyone supposed to enjoy this? Maybe if the NFL wasn't so worried about their coaches looking classy wearing suits instead of rocking the Bill Belichick Half-Hoodie Hobo outfit they'd realize these things.

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