Sunday, November 19, 2006

A little about me before I start

OK, a bit about me before we get started so you can get a bit of insight into who I am and why the heck I would write some of the things I do.

My friends who know me well know my affinity for Bill Simmons and his work for ESPN. Of course, thanks to Bill and sites like Deadspin; every idiot with a computer and too much spare time now has a sports blog. So there's your first insight into who I idiot with not enough to do.

I work for both radio and tv stations in the sports department, which to me is the absolute best possible job in the world. My work consists of driving to games, watching/filming them, and then going into the locker room to chat with the athletes after the game. And then I drive back to the station and pick up my check.

I didn't study at all in school, still managed good grades, and then of course found out that no one in the media field gives a crap if you even graduated. Which made me feel good for all the effort that I failed to exert on my studies. However, every day I give thanks for my education, because I produce a morning sports talk radio show and have to handle the phone lines; and I'll be brutally honest, talk radio attracts morons like opposing defenders to a Joey Harrington pass. (still bitter about him)

So, couple of quick hits so we're all on the same page:

-There's no real point to this blog, just me having fun. Don't take it too seriously. However, I do know what I'm talking about. I'm at these games, talking to folks who know. So I'm not just making stuff up.

-I'm in love with all the Detroit teams, and yes that includes the Lions. Don't hold it against me, we all have to have some part of our lives that doesn't make sense. They're like that dirty girl that you know would be really attractive if she just cleaned herself up. I still hold out hope.

-I'm completely biased in favor of the University of Michigan. They have the greatest college football program ever. Best stadium, fight song, uniforms, the whole bit. There is no argument that I will listen to against this. So don't try. This also means schools like MSU, Notre Dame, and Ohio State will not be cast a in a good light in my posts. I apologize in advance to those schools and their inferior fan bases.

Now that I've cleared the air a bit...NEXT QUESTION!!!

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